Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Sharing Your Heart One Down-Home Dessert at a Time

   By: Patsy Caldwell

     I was excited to read this cook book.  I was looking forward to perusing the recipes.  There was no disappointment in that regard.  This is a cookbook for lovers of Southern cooking, especially desserts.
     The stories that accompanied each section were pleasant anecdotes, well written and endearing.  The recipes were suitably decadent but mostly looked easy to make. All in all, the cookbook was a delight.  I would recommend it to anyone.
     While I was unable to try the recipes, as I was laid up, I am eager to try some in the near future.
      When I agreed to review this book, it was quite a departure from the usual fare I enjoy reading.  I am quite pleased that I decided to review this cookbook.
      The book was well laid out and had clear directions.
     I give this cookbook five stars.  It gives you a sense of being a friend that stopped by and your friend treats you with stories and food, what could be more comforting.
     Do yourself a favor if you like to cook.  Pick up a copy for yourself or as a gift.  It is well worth it.

I received this book as a free download from Book Sneeze.  I was not paid for my opinion;  I did not have to give a positive review.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


                               HEALING IS A CHOICE

                                           By Stephen Arterburn


     I came to this book with the idea to learn some things I could use to help a friend of mine.  By the time I finished, it was I who was helped.  This book focuses on ten lies we tell ourselves that are barriers to healing and what can be done to counteract each lie.  There are workbook "assignments"  for each chapter that assist in working through each aspect of the process which integrate biblical passages and concepts as well as lessons from the life of Christ.
     One of the thoughts that the author penned was kind of a modern twist to Romans 8:28 in which he states that God can work thing out so that even wrong choices can be made to look as if they were meant to be, all along.  Think of the life of Joseph and his statement that his brothers actions they has meant for evil, but God turned them around to produce good.
     We all have places in our lives that need healing. This is a good book to facilitate that process.
I recommend it, though at times it seems a bit repetitious and lengthly.

As a book review blogger for Thomas Neslson publishers, I received this book for free with no 
other compensation.  I am required to write a review, but with no limitations on the type of review, either positive or negative.

I review for BookSneeze®

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What In The World Is Going On?

I have to confess that I approached the book What In The World Is Going On? By Dr. David Jeremiah with a distinctly skeptical mind set. I was ready to discount it as so much supposed prophetic gibberish. Instead, I found that it was a well considered and thoroughly researched commentary on current events.

Dr. Jeremiah begins with an overview of ancient Biblical prophecies, especially in the book of Daniel, with his visions of empires then existing and those yet to come. Dr. Jeremiah centers his arguments on Israel and what he sees as, a yet fully realized resurgence of the Roman empire. This he takes to be the European Union.

In short, his conclusion is that the world is quickly coming to the end foreseen in the Old Testament, and Revelation. Some of the prophetic clues he maintains that we are, or soon will be witnessing are: Israel once again becoming a nation and beginning to possess the boundaries spoken of in the Old Testament. Oil being found in Israel and thus laying the groundwork for the battle of Armageddon. The aforementioned resurgence of the Roman empire. The rise of Islamic terrorism which focusses our attention on the Middle East and their hatred of Israel. Also the signs in the heavens of crazy weather patterns.

I ended up largely agreeing with Dr. Jeremiah and praying that the Church would take the warnings to heart and be about the business of the Kingdom of God.

Friday, June 18, 2010


In the book Free Book by Brian Tome, he discusses the principles of freedom which he has found in the Bible. He does not make an effort to stroke your ego, but plainly lays out some steps you need to take in order to experience freedom in Christ. One such process is confession. Honestly confessing to someone you have wronged, and somehow making restitution if necessary. Along with confession is asking for forgiveness. It is uncomfortable and, yes, embarrassing at times, but the reward is peace. Not peace as the world thinks of it, ie: absence of bad circumstances, but the peace that Christ affords. The peace of a clear conscience.
Another topic that Brian focuses on as a reason for the lack of freedom in our lives, is the existence of strongholds in our lives, fear being a major one. Many people tend to mask their fear and give it a different label such as being practical. An example he shares is one where his mother-in -law went on a missions trip to Russia, and a 30 year old friend of Brian's had his ticket to go, but when he listened to his friends and family, about why he should not go, he ended up buying in and not going. When Brian's mother-in-law returned and shared her experiences and victories, the friend expressed his wish that he had gone.
Strongholds keep us from being a blessing and receiving a blessing. There are six marks of strongholds he enumerates: 1) You have repeated, unwanted behavior. 2) You have memory gaps about childhood. 3) You have confusion about why you do something-like defend yourself in a certain way. 4) There is something about you nobody knows. 5) You have bitterness toward a person or type of person or 6) You blindly accept your limitations.
Christ has said that He brings abundant life, but if there is something preventing you from living an abundant life, you owe it to yourself to buy this book and find out some steps you can take to get to the place where you can accept it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Kabul 24

What a powerful book! This book should bolster your faith that God is alive and still at work in the world, achieving His purposes.
Kabul 24 is a book about the kidnapping and "detaining" of eight multinational humanitarian aid workers from Shelter Now International and 16 of their Afghan workers. I remember hearing about this story in the news when it happened, as there were two Americans among those held hostage.
The ordeal began innocently enough with an Afghan family requesting the showing of the "Jesus" film. While this was an unusual request, Heather Mercer complied. As she was returning to her home, her taxi was overtaken by a Talib gunman. She found out later that the family, whom she had visited numerous times without incident, had betrayed her to the Taliban. The Taliban took the opportunity to round up the other foreign workers as well as their Afghan helpers, accusing the Shelter Now International (SNI) workers of trying to convert muslims. They accused the Afghan workers of illegal conversion to Christianity. Thus began their 100 plus day nightmare of wretched living conditions. From pest infested mattresses to ancient latrines overflowing with waste and little food, not to mention the many exhausting interrogations of the two men Georg, the leader of the SNI group and Peter an assistant.
Through it all they find hope and a deeper faith. God had not abandoned them. He was working to orchestrate situations where they could be a witness to the Afghans around them, such as the time Diana (one of the women workers) was being interrogated and the interpreter started asking questions, then stated that Christians believed in three Gods. Diana countered by asking if the man had a brother, was married, and had children. With the affirmative response, Diana stated that he was the same man but with different roles. It was simply the same with God, He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This, the man understood.
God strategically placed people in their path who would help them along the way, getting them news from the outside world, taking correspondence, and like their "Afghan Angel" communicating with the outside world about them.
There were many miraculous "coincidences" up to and including their remarkable rescue by American Special Forces.
It is a worthwhile read. Slow at times, would have liked more information on the Afghan detainees and what God was doing in their lives.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'll Make You An Offer You Can't Refuse

This sounds like it would be quite an interesting book doesn't it? It has a catchy title and was written by a former mob boss. In truth it seemed somewhat cliche and at times read like a movie script, with mobster anecdotes and phrases.
The premise is to compare two philosophies of life and how they apply to business. One philosophy based on Machiavelli, which at its most basic level is that the end justifies the means. It does not matter how you get to where you want to go-for instance, accumulate riches,- example, lie, cheat, or steal-it just matters that you get there; i.e. accumulate those riches. The second philosophy is based on king Solomon, the incomparably rich and wise son of David. Solomon's philosophy is that integrity matters. Conduct your life and business with integrity and humility and you will succeed and be rich in what matters-quality of life.
Machiavelli's philosophy eventually leads to ruin (look at Bernie Madolf for a glaring timely example). An example of Solomon's philosophy in action is the founder of Chick-fil-A, S. Truett Cathy who said "People and principles before profit." The public will patronize a business where integrity is a cornerstone of how it conducts business.

Would I recommend this book? Not highly, though it elicits a chuckle now and again. It does seem like I have heard it all before, just packaged differently.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Principle of the Path

I have to admit, I was pretty skeptical about this book. Even though the author Andy Stanley was quite emphatic in his insistence that it was not a self help book or a step by step guide to a good life, I had my doubts.
The basic premise behind this work is that there is a path that everyone is on and it leads to a definite end. He writes in order to wake up the reader to a principle that is at work whether or not we are aware of it. For example: you see something you want to have but you can't afford to pay cash for it so you charge it. Then you see something else you just have to have and charge that, etc. Then you take out a loan to get rid of the credit card debt. Then, since your cards are paid off, you start buying again. Soon you get to the point that you can not make the payments and you declare bankruptcy. You wonder how you got to this point, though it is obvious to those around you. Your habit of spending more than you bring home in your paycheck, because you "just have to have it" put you on a path to a predictable and inevitable end. This does not mean that at some point, you could not have changed direction and thereby changed the outcome, there are indeed those points. There is also the last opportunity, after which there is no chance to change direction and you end up at the inevitable outcome.
The author lays out for consideration some determining factors at work, two of which are:
1) Direction-not intention determines destination.
2) Attention determines direction.

An example of the first is: you want to go to a restaurant for dinner. You start off going the right way, but you make a wrong turn and end up going in the opposite direction. You intended to go a different way, but that intent does not matter, because you are no longer headed in that direction. You need to change your direction in order to get to your desired destination.

An example of the second is: again using a driving metaphor, you are driving along and there is an accident in the far lane. You turn your head to look and your car begins to drift in that direction.

Andy Stanley gives suggestions to keep on a right path, or change direction if you are on a wrong path. Listen to others, especially those who have arrived at the destination where you want to end up-"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."-Proverbs 15:22. Submit to that counsel. Be humble enough to acknowledge that you do not know everything. Acknowledge God in all of your ways, and He will make your ways straight-proverbs 3:8.

By the end many of my doubts were quelled and I can understand and mostly agree with the "Principle of the Path". This would be a good book to give a student leaving for college.