I have to confess that I approached the book What In The World Is Going On? By Dr. David Jeremiah with a distinctly skeptical mind set. I was ready to discount it as so much supposed prophetic gibberish. Instead, I found that it was a well considered and thoroughly researched commentary on current events.
Dr. Jeremiah begins with an overview of ancient Biblical prophecies, especially in the book of Daniel, with his visions of empires then existing and those yet to come. Dr. Jeremiah centers his arguments on Israel and what he sees as, a yet fully realized resurgence of the Roman empire. This he takes to be the European Union.
In short, his conclusion is that the world is quickly coming to the end foreseen in the Old Testament, and Revelation. Some of the prophetic clues he maintains that we are, or soon will be witnessing are: Israel once again becoming a nation and beginning to possess the boundaries spoken of in the Old Testament. Oil being found in Israel and thus laying the groundwork for the battle of Armageddon. The aforementioned resurgence of the Roman empire. The rise of Islamic terrorism which focusses our attention on the Middle East and their hatred of Israel. Also the signs in the heavens of crazy weather patterns.
I ended up largely agreeing with Dr. Jeremiah and praying that the Church would take the warnings to heart and be about the business of the Kingdom of God.