Tuesday, June 19, 2012


                               HEALING IS A CHOICE

                                           By Stephen Arterburn


     I came to this book with the idea to learn some things I could use to help a friend of mine.  By the time I finished, it was I who was helped.  This book focuses on ten lies we tell ourselves that are barriers to healing and what can be done to counteract each lie.  There are workbook "assignments"  for each chapter that assist in working through each aspect of the process which integrate biblical passages and concepts as well as lessons from the life of Christ.
     One of the thoughts that the author penned was kind of a modern twist to Romans 8:28 in which he states that God can work thing out so that even wrong choices can be made to look as if they were meant to be, all along.  Think of the life of Joseph and his statement that his brothers actions they has meant for evil, but God turned them around to produce good.
     We all have places in our lives that need healing. This is a good book to facilitate that process.
I recommend it, though at times it seems a bit repetitious and lengthly.

As a book review blogger for Thomas Neslson publishers, I received this book for free with no 
other compensation.  I am required to write a review, but with no limitations on the type of review, either positive or negative.

I review for BookSneeze®