Monday, April 27, 2009

The latest book I have read for review is The Noticer by Andy Andrews. It is about an old drifter named Jones who goes around a southern town, showing up when villagers are at a crossroads. He provides hope where it is thought there is none. He provides "perspective" as he puts it.

The book is well written and full of what seems to be common sense. Though it is only common when it is fully revealed. You are left with a feeling of "yeah, that makes sense, why have I never thought of that before". That is why it is an interesting book. You find yourself among the pages as well as gleaning some practical insights along the way. It is like having a good friend showing up at the right time. A really good friend can look at our situation and see a solution that was there all of the time that we could not find because we were caught up in the thick of our situation. This little book provides "aha" moments.
This book is a quick, pleasant read. I recommend you pick up a copy.

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